
Key characteristics of top-rated content

An important aim of content writers earning money from home is to construct copy that ranks highly on search engines.

While the value of a well-placed keyword and the ideal length of a blog or landing are factors to consider, these aims continue to change as search engines adjust their parameters. However, some sought-after attributes remain the same regardless of trends and are always worth considering.

Grammatically correct

Articles must use correct English to earn respect. Your spelling, grammar and punctuation should be on point when submitting writing jobs, so proofread pieces at least once before submitting.


Always fact check your work using reliable sources. When researching, always check the dates on content you reference to ensure the details you include are still valid. Websites with out-of-date content are often penalised by search engines.


Content that presents sound knowledge of a topic can rate higher than general overviews. Research your subject using multiple sources so you can gain a strong understanding of key areas involved that lets you write with authority.


When articles offer guidance that helps users solve a problem, they can earn a higher search engine ranking. Include answers to commonly asked questions and step-by-step advice that people can put into practice.


Duplicate content ranks poorly in searches, so originality is crucial. Once you have researched a subject for your article, make sure you write it in your own words and sidestep the use of clichés whenever possible.

Put your skills to the test writing from home with at Words of Worth. To tackle a range of content jobs, apply to write with us today.

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