
How to structure high-quality content

Successful content writers understand that to earn money from home, they must constantly be improving the work that they produce. When undertaking writing jobs, you will find plenty of online advice on how to create original content, conduct comprehensive research and develop you own style. You’ll also find tips for how to find writing jobs and the many benefits of having a career writing from home, like autonomy and flexibility.

However, if you are serious about becoming a better writer, it is vital that you focus on why you are producing the content you create. You will likely be writing pieces via an agency for a company that does not have the in-house skillset to produce regular content to grow their business. Therefore, it is your role to create copy that promotes its products, services and brand and reaches its target audience. To achieve these aims, you must produce engaging high-quality content and learning how to structure your work is essential.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of organising the pieces you produce to ensure they deliver the right results every time.

Opening paragraphs

Every article you write, no matter how short it is, will require an opening paragraph. Introducing your topic, it should state clearly what will be covered in the content to come, while not giving everything away. To ensure that your reader continues to the end of the piece, it is essential to release information gradually, paragraph-by-paragraph. Even non-fiction articles can be told like a story to maintain engagement, so don’t give all your information away in your introduction or you’ll risk your audience losing interest.

Main body of your content

To structure the meat of your content, break it down into specific sections that each cover a specific subject or area of your topic. Splitting content into smaller portions makes it easier to read and clearer for those using it as reference. A long stream of content can give your audience fatigue and they will end up abandoning your article.

Use subheadings for each section and make sure they are pertinent and grab the attention of the reader. Break each section into paragraphs and use short sentences that each have a clear message and meaning.

Try to keep each section roughly the same size, as it will ensure that once posted online, your content looks well-presented and, as a result, is easier to read.

Keyword deployment

Keywords are also part of your structure when writing online content. Include main keywords in your first and final paragraph and place secondary keywords throughout as a rule, however, always check your brief as it may suggest a specific strategy that must be used.

Closing paragraphs

The last part of your article should sum up the most important points, offering your reader a recap. This paragraph is essential for your audience to feel like the article has a satisfying conclusion. When a piece ends abruptly without a conclusion, your readers will feel it. You may also be asked to add a call to action. This can be a key part of ending an article and may direct readers to explore other parts of a website and articles, get in touch or purchase products and services.

Always read your brief

Finally, regarding structure, it’s important to understand how crucial reading a brief can be. Within the brief, you will find what is expected of you and all the critical information you must include in your article. A title may be dictated to you and, if so, ensure that any content you produce is relevant. If the title is a question, make certain that you answer it.

The brief will inform you how many words you need to write. This number is crucial to structuring an article as it allows you to divide your content into segments. For example, if you must write a 250-word article, you can split your piece into an opening and closing paragraph (25 words each) and two sections with subheadings (100 words each). If your article is 1,000 words long, you can extend your opening and closing paragraphs to 50 words each and divide the remaining 900 words into sections made up of multiple word counts to suit your topic.

Your brief will also list keywords that you must include and where to add them and will often tell you who your target audience is and the tone of voice to use. This can impact what type of language you use and the length of sentences and paragraphs. While some articles may be technical, as a rule, to reach the widest audience, clear and concise language is always best.

If you would like to put your new-found knowledge on structuring an article to the test, why not rise to the challenge? Get in touch with Words of Worth and apply to write with us today.

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