Writing content can be a fascinating career that allows you to learn about a wealth of new topics and expand your knowledge. The best writers are also constantly working on their writing style and looking for ways to improve the copy they produce.
To help you enhance your abilities, we’ve compiled a list of some useful ways that you can expand your skillset and hone your writing style. Read on to find out more.
1. Establish writing goals
You might want to extend your current vocabulary or have a target in mind for how many words you wish to write a day. However, you can’t fulfil an ambition unless you have one, so set your writing goal so that you can start working towards it.
2. Write every day
One of the best ways to improve your writing is to make sure that you produce some work every day. Whether you only write a simple sentence or paragraph or an entire article, becoming accustomed to the physical and mental concepts of writing is important.
3. Read other writers
Just like a chef must develop a palate by trying food that is expertly cooked, as a writer you can improve your style by reading the work of others. Study blog posts, product descriptions, press releases and new stories, and see how the professionals work. By learning from the best, you can enhance your writing, including introductory paragraphs, keyword insertion and calls to action.
4. Be original
While you can learn from how other writers construct articles, it’s essential that you never directly copy the work of others. You can improve your style by being original and always relaying information in your own words.
5. Remember who you are writing for
When you work professionally, every piece of copy you create will have a target audience. You can improve your writing style by always zeroing in on who you are writing for and ensuring that your content is designed to be receptive. Your brief will state who the intended article is for and may use descriptions like “Not salesy”, “Informal”, “Professional” OR “Authoritative”. Try writing in different styles to remain adaptable. A useful tip is to look at the language used by the company you are writing for, or to look at similar content online.
6. Let your research inspire you
Before you start writing, read around your subject. You can take notes while conducting your reading reconnaissance and soon find that ideas will be prompted by it. After you have started writing your article, you may find that further research is required. Instead of interrupting your flow, add placeholder text like the words “more research” and keep writing. You can return to finalise and detail after you have finished your first draft.
7. Try out writing prompts
Among the most useful tools for aspiring writers is THE use of a prompt. You will find an endless supply of writing prompts online for a wide range of genres. Select one to stimulate your imagination and get creative.
8. Use a clear outline
If you have noticed that you tend to ramble when writing, setting a clear structure with an outline can be ideal. Break down your article with a distinctive beginning middle and end, and use subheadings to structure your content.
9. Keep it concise
While different types of writing, use a variety of styles. being able to clearly communicate an idea in simple but effective language can sharpen your writing. Professional writing often requires a specific word count, making brevity important. The phrase “Know what you mean and mean what you say” is a useful reminder for best practices when writing copy that is to the point.
10. Use the active voice
A helpful tip is to write in the active voice, such as “I wrote this article” rather than “this article was written by me”. This can animate your writing ensuring that the subject always acts on its verb. When read, the active voice sounds self-assured and can help you avoid superfluous words in your writing.
11. Use online apps and courses
A host of useful resources can help you improve your writing style. Applications like Word, Hemingway and Grammarly can offer useful suggestions, helping to improve your writing style. A wide range of writing courses is also available online where you can work on your skills and style at a pace that suits your current schedule and commitments.
12. Rest and then edit
Stepping away from your writing after you have completed an article is a wise move when possible. Editing is a different skill to writing and often requires a fresh set of eyes to be objective. Take a short break and review your article as an editor instead of a writer. Cut out any unnecessary words, as each one must be performing a useful role.
13. Avoid cliches
When you read your own work, always be mindful of overused phrases, commonly called “cliches”. Try and recast these phrases in your unique way and you’ll find your style shining through.
14. Use commas correctly
Among the most misunderstood punctuation types, the comma is often misused. Study the rules of correct comma use and you’ll discover they soon become second nature.
15. Read your work aloud
It might feel silly at first, but reading your work out loud can be an excellent way to improve your writing. If a sentence is difficult for you to say, there is a good chance your readership will struggle as well.
16. Earn money from home writing
Finally, one of the best ways to improve your abilities is to undertake writing jobs from home. Writing professionally while remote will give you the time and space to practice, and access to expert editors from whom you can learn. You’ll also be paid for each article you submit.
If you are a reliable writer with a good command of the English language, and a desire to keep getting better at your craft, apply to Words of Worth today and you could be writing with us.