
Top tips to make writing easier

If you’re interested in online writing jobs but are unsure whether you have the skills required, the good news is that help is at hand to simplify the challenge.

While a good command of the English language, the ability to meet deadlines and access to the internet are all essential, in this blog we’ll offer some useful tips that can make the process of writing easier to accomplish.

Earn while you learn

Making time to write isn’t always easy. However, one of the best ways to use the hours available to you is to earn money from home whilst writing in your free time. You can take on as much or as little work as you can cope with, and get paid in the process.

Establish an area to work in

When working at home, establishing a place where you can write free from distractions and disruptions is essential. Find a place where you feel comfortable and can create your articles in peace. Writing on a device while connected to the internet is ideal as you can quickly research or reference the information you require.

Read your brief fully

When you take on an assignment, always read your brief carefully and ensure that you understand it. At minimum, you must always follow the instructions it contains. You’ll find lots of information here like keywords you need to include, acceptable language, the tone of voice to adopt, who the content is aimed at and sometimes even useful links.

Give yourself enough time to write

While sometimes you may be called upon to deliver work quickly or answer an urgent last-minute request, for the most part you will be given adequate time to complete your brief. To keep life simple for yourself, never leave your work until the last minute to complete. Staying ahead of schedule is always a wiser move. Not only will you be less stressed (which can help you avoid making mistakes), but you will also be covered in the event of an unexpected illness or power failure that could delay your work. Meeting deadlines is an essential part of writing content but allocating enough time to complete you work will keep you on track.

Always research your subject before you start

It might seem like extra work, but carrying out comprehensive research for your article is important. Fully understanding the topic you’re writing about will make it easier to write. The next time you’re stuck for a sentence, consider how much you know about the subject you’re writing about.

Organise your article and create a structure

Blocking out an article before you begin to write can help. Divide your word count into sections and give them subheadings. Add an introduction at the beginning and a concluding paragraph at the end and mark in any keywords you need to use, constructing sentences with them.

Make sure your work is original

With a constant flow of online content hitting the web, it isn’t always easy to create original content, but it’s an essential part of copywriting. Never directly copy articles you find online. Instead, after researching your subject, create content in your own words to remain original. This process will make life easier for you in the future as unoriginal content will be rejected by your editors when it fails a copy check.

Always proof your work

Too many mistakes in your articles can also result in them being passed back for changes. Before submissions, read through your own work and try to spot and errors like spelling mistakes and missing punctuation. Sometimes, it can help to read your articles out loud. If you’re in need of a full stop or a comma in a sentence, you’ll soon know if you start to run out of breath.

Using automated assistants

From the spelling and auto-correct features in Microsoft Word to online applications like Grammarly and the Hemingway Editor, there are also many free-to-use options available where you can check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. While you should always check your own work first, these solutions can often help you improve your skills.

Accept feedback and ask your editor for advice

When you’re writing professionally, the articles you produce will be edited by a professional. When you make mistakes, it’s best to admit them and learn from the feedback you receive. In the long run, you will become a stronger and more successful if you can take comments on board and adapt your work accordingly.

If you are unsure about any details in your brief, never be afraid to ask your editor for advice. This is a far easier approach than wasting time worrying if you are on the right track.

Read other writers’ work

While you should never copy another writer’s articles, reading their work and using it to learn from can be incredibly beneficial. Seeing how professional writers construct their articles can give you a target to aim for, and teach you some useful techniques you can use in your own work.

Keep practicing writing

The more you write, the easier it will become. As a result, one of the best pieces of advice for any copywriter is to keep writing and practicing. Over time, you will build a repertoire of useful expression and phrases, and increase your knowledge base on a wide range of subjects. As you take on feedback and stop making the same mistakes, your writing will improve. With the quality of your work becoming first rate, you will find you have fewer amendments and edits to make, and your workflow will be far smoother.

Are you interested in writing from home?

If after reading this blog and testing out some of these tips you’re keen to become a freelance writer, we can help. We are always on the look-out for talented content writers and can offer a wide range of work to keep you interested. Through us, you can write articles and features, press releases, product descriptions, blogs, and web pages. If you’re now actively seeking writer’s jobs, apply to work as a writer today for Words of Worth.

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